Prof Chao Ma
associate professor
Education and Career
Dec. 2015 –
School of agriculture and biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Dec. 2012 –Nov.2015
Department of Postharvest and Food sciences. The Volcani Center, ARO
Sep.2009 - Dec. 2012
Agronomy and Biology technology collage of China Agriculture University
PhD study of Pomology & Plant molecule biology
Sep. 2006 – Jun. 2009
Department of Horticulture, Agricultural College, Shihezi University and Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology Agriculture
Master Degree study of Pomology & Plant molecule biology
Sep. 2002 – Jun. 2006
Department of Horticulture, Agricultural College, Shihezi University for the for the Bachelor Degree study of Pomology & Plant molecule biology
Research interests:
We are focus on the study of abiotic and biotic stress of plants, and the miRNA function analysis in the fruit trees. In recent years, we had reported several important miRNAs in both fruit tree and model plant (arabidopsis). For example, the apple miRLn11 was involved in the fungal disease resistance by regulating the target gene Md-NBS expression. For the abiotic stress, we found the ath-miR408 could improve the cold, salinity and oxidative stress resistance, but reduce the drought and osmatic stress resistance. It is an interesting finding, microRNA showed exactly different functions in different stress conditions. We are studying the miRNA functions in the auxin-regulated root development in grape, and we warmly welcome the people of insight to join us
马超, 博士
2012.12–2015. 11, 博士后, 以色列Valcani Center, 采后与食品科学系
2006.09 – 2009.06,硕士,石河子大学绿洲生态农业重点实验室,果树与植物分子生物学
2002.09 – 2006.06,本科,石河子大学农学院园艺系,果树与植物分子生物学
上海市浦江人才计划(A类)获得者,中国园艺学会青年分会理事。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,上海交大青年教师启动基金。主要从事果树分子生物学研究。分析植物小分子RNA对生物胁迫和非生物胁迫的响应机制及靶基因功能。研究miRNA在植物衰老及矿质元素吸收转运过程中的调控作用。已经在Plant Journal, Molecular Plant, Scientific Reports, 核农学报等国内外学术刊物上发表论文30余篇。
First author
1. Ma C, Lu Y, Bai S, Zhang W, Duan X, Meng D, Wang Z, Wang A, Zhou Z, Li T. 2014. Cloning and characterization of miRNAs and their targets, including a novel miRNA-targeted NBS- RR protein class gene in apple (Golden Delicious). Molecular Plant. 7(1):218-30. (IF: 6.605)
2. Ma C, Zhang W-N, Duan X-W, Lu Y and Li T-Z. 2013. Comparative analysis of the efficiencies of siRNA and amiRNA gene silencing of the tobacco lycopene cyclase gene (NsCrtL-1). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 88(5):650-656. (IF=0.51)
3. Ma C, Ma B-G, He J, Hao Q-N, Lu X-Y, Wang L. 2011. Regulation of Carotenoid Content in Tomato by Silencing of Lycopene β/ε-Cyclase Genes. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 29(1): 117-124. (IF: 2.446)
4. Chao Ma, Juan He, Qingnan Hao, Lei Wang, Xiaoyan Lu, Binggang Ma. (2010) Constuction of RNAi plant expression vectors for interfering lycopene cyclase-β/ε gene and Its expression analysis. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences. 24(3): 482-489 (in chinese with english abstract)
5. Chao Ma, Binggang Ma, Qingnan Hao, Juan He, Lei Wang. (2010) The Construction of Plant Vector Construction of Lycopene Cycl ase2β Gene RNAi and Transformation. Journal of Shihezi University (Natural Science) 28(1): 5-10 (in chinese with english abstract)
6. Chao Ma, Binggang Ma, Qingnan Hao, Juan He, Xiaoyan Lu, Zhiping Wu. (2010) Construction of RNA Interference Vector for Lycopene Cyclase β Gene (Lyc-β) and its Expression Identification in Lycopersicun esculentum. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. 18(1): 10-17 (in chinese with english abstract)
7. Chao Ma, Qingnan Hao, Binggang Ma. (2008) The Progress of RNA Interference Technique in Plant. Act a Bot. Boreal-occident Sin. 28 (9): 1920 - 1927 (in chinese with english abstract)
8. Chao Ma, Qingnan Hao, Binggang Ma (2008) Separation and Determination of Resveratrol and Its Pharmacological Functions. Northern Horticulture. 4: 61-65 (in chinese with english abstract)
Participation author
1. Zhang W-N, Gong L, Ma C, Xu H-Y, Hu J-F, Harada T, Li T-Z. 2012. Gibberellic Acid-Insensitive mRNA Transport in Pyrus. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 30:614-623. (IF: 2.446).
2. Zhang W-N, Duan X-W, Ma C, Harada T, Li T-Z. 2013. Transport of mRNA molecules coding NAC domain protein in grafted pear and transgenic tobacco. Biologia Plantarum, 57(2): 224-230 (IF=1.974).
3. Ma B-G, Duan X-Y, Niu J-X, Ma C, Hao Q-N, Zhang L-X, Zhang H-P. 2009. Expression of stilbene synthase gene in transgenic tomato using salicylic acid-inducible Cre/loxP recombination system with self-excision of selectable marker. Biotechnology Letters, 31(1):163-169. (IF=1.636).
4. Ma B-G, Duan X-Y, Ma C, Niu J-X, Zhang H-P, Pan L-Z. 2008. Salicylic-Acid-Induced Self-excision of the Marker Gene nptII from Transgenic Tomato Using the Cre–loxP System. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 26(3): 199-212. (IF=1.648).
5. Ma B-G, Duan X-Y, Zhang L-X,Ma C,Hao Q-N,Zheng H-P, Niu J-X. 2007. Gene Expression Controlled by Salicylic Acid Induced Cre-loxP Recombination System in Transgenic Tobacco. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Plant Moleculer Breeding.
6. He J, Yu S-L, Ma C. 2009. Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Endogenous Hormone Levels during the Period of the Red Globe Growth. Journal of Agricultural Science, 1(1): 92-100
7. Qingna Hao, Chao Ma, Binggang Ma. 2007. Research progress of the physiological functions of soy isoflavones and their separation and detection methods. Chin Med Biotechnol, 2(5): 383-387 (in chinese with english abstract)
8. Processing Tomato Production Status and Genetic Improvement Research. Xinjiang Graduate Academic Forum. 2007, 10 (in chinese with english abstract)
9. Xiaoyu Duan, Luxia Zhang, Chao Ma, Qingnan Hao, Binggang Ma. 2008. Construction of Selectable Marker for Plant Transformation Vectors Using Inducible Cre/ loxP Site2specific Recombination System. Journal of Shihezi University (Natural Science), 26(1): 30-34 (in chinese with english abstract)
10. Luxia Zhang, Qingnan Hao, Chao Ma, Xiaoyu Duan. 2008. Processing Tomato Plant Regeneration in Genetic Transformation. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 17(3): 236-241 (in chinese with english abstract)
11. Binggang Ma, Hao Qingnan, Chao Ma. 2008. The Methods of Separation and Detection for Soybean Isoflavones and Hygienical Functions of Soybean Isoflavones. Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology, 27(6): 6-13 (in chinese with english abstract)
12. Qingna Hao, Chao Ma, Binggang Ma. 2009. Construction of expression vector of polygalacturonase gene from strawberry for RNA interfering and identification of expression. Journal of Shihezi University (Natural Science), 27(4): 15-19 (in chinese with english abstract)
13. Juan He, Qiangqing Zheng, Xiaoyan Song, Xiaoli Zheng, Chao Ma, SonglinYu. 2010. Effects of GA3 on Component Factors in Commodity Character and Endogenous Hormone Content of Red Globe Grapes. Journal of Shihezi University (Natural Science), 28(1):12-17 (in chinese with english abstract)
14. You Lu, Chao Ma, Dong Meng, Tianzhong Li. 2013. Clone and expression of AGO1 gene and development-related miRNA in apple (Golden Delicious). Journal of China Agricultural University (Social Sciences Edition), 18(5): 69-76. (in chinese with english abstract)